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My Response to Week 5: Discussion on Big Eyes

1. Margaret Keane's artwork is very weird to me but oddly satisfying to look at, though I would not buy it, I would definitely pay seven bucks to see it in an art gallery. The work was definitely not kitsch in my opinion, but it was different than any other art piece I have seen created in the 1950s and 60s, it has this unique touch and meaning to it that I really appreciated. 2. From what I have learned, Walter's gift was taking credit and convincing people he created all these art pieces. He lied about it so well to the point where almost everybody had no doubt towards him. Thankfully he got what was coming to him in the end leaving Margaret with all the recognition she deserved. If Walter had figured out his gift in selling stuff, he might have pursued it and Margaret would not have gone through this entire ordeal. 3. I'm pretty sure Walter would have ended up succeeding in selling any other work and Margaret would not have ended up with all these problems. It wa

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